The Squirrel Census is a multimedia science, design, art, and storytelling project focusing on the Eastern gray (Sciurus carolinensis). We count squirrels and present our findings to the public in the form of comprehensive maps, data visualizations, 45-RPM records, anthropomorphic storytelling, live presentations, semi-true videos, and other fun. 

In October 2018, with the help of hundreds of volunteers and key NYC entities, we tallied the squirrels in Central Park in New York, NY. (There are 2,373 grays in Central Park.) We also counted squirrels in Inman Park in Atlanta twice, presenting our findings in 2016 and 2012. The New York Times, 99% Invisible, The Times of London, NatGeo, Atlas Obscura, and many other outlets have covered our efforts. 

Our latest project, Squirrel Census Phone Tree, presents through a toll-free number the data and stories from a March 2020 squirrel count of 24 NYC parks. Plus: music, fortunes, stories, at least one screech, meditations, farm animals, and other fun. 

Mostly, we serve as a liaison between believe and make-believe. We’re like something out of a movie. But the truth is, so are you. 

Join us. Follow along. Play a part. 

Yes, this is real. 

Jamie Allen, Creator & Writer

Stewart Haddock, Senior Associate

Josh O’Connor, Field Commander

Nat Slaughter, Chief Cartographer

Sally Parham, Logistics Chief

Donal Bisanzio, Squirrel Scientist

Stuart Bowler, Chargés d’Affaires, Northeastern Region

John Murray, Chief Squirrel Correspondent

Kaitlyn Schwalje, Senior Squirrel Critic

Sara Lazor, Chief Enthusiast

Sophie Allen (canine), Founder